Registration Section
I've received several responses concerning this portion of the web site from fellow Mid-Atlantic FFROG members who had different methods in which they registered their cars. This just happens
to be the steps I went through.
So now that you have a finished car it's off to the DMV (Division of Motor Vehicles) right?
Well in my case it was. I live in North Carolina and I went the 100% legal route. There are other routes like Titles Unlimited which is legal (sort of) but I tend to get caught when I do things like this so I don't even bother.
Step 1) My first step was to contact the local DMV registration office. Always a pleasure speaking with people who have no idea what you need. I finally got transferred to a intelligent person who knew what paperwork I needed, who to contact and where to drop it off. The first item I needed was a custom vehicle inspection form from the NC DMV. I needed to bring it along with the car and certificate of origin to the Custom Vehicle Inspector.
Note: You don't have to bring your vehicle to the Custom Vehicle Inspection office but it helps speed up the process. Be sure you make an appointment with the custom vehicle inspector.
Step 2) Get all the paperwork together: certificate of origin, custom vehicle inspection form, receipts (so you can pay 3% road use tax), and drivers license.
Step 3) Schedule appointment with NC Custom Vehicle Inspector. Go to the DMV with car and paperwork and have him/her look at the car. Now get this: They aren't allowed to drive the car, and they probably won't even make you start it. My inspector gave it a few nods of his head and wanted to see the FFR# on the frame and body.
Go to Wal-Mart or a pet store and have 2 tags made with your FFR#. FFR doesn't tag the frame or the body so you'll need to do this before you visit the DMV. Also have your engine, tranny, and rear axle number available for the inspector, they need those for the paperwork.
Step 4) Now that the custom vehicle inspection is behind you need a NC VIN# assigned to the vehicle because the FFR# on the Cert. of Origin is not long enough. You'll also need to get it registered so that you can get a plate. Take the Cert. of Origin, receipts, and custom vehicle inspection that was signed by the inspector and head to a DMV office that handles registrations, etc. You'll need your receipts for them to figure out how much of the 3% road use tax you should pay. Figure on shelling out about $500 for this. Now here comes the fun part. Find someone who knows what a custom vehicle is and don't let them give you a run around. The person you will be working with will get a VIN number assigned and also create a title and register it all in one big step. Now here is another step you'll have to deal with concerning the VIN. The DMV won't give it to you. They send it to your Custom Vehicle Inspector.
Step 5) Before you leave the DMV make sure that the DMV officer puts the VIN in a NC DMV interoffice pouch and addresses it to the correct DMV office etc. Otherwise it may get lost or worse. Give it about a week and then check with your Custom Vehicle Inspector and schedule for them to come by with the VIN (they will come to your house). They are required to watch you permanently adhere the NC Custom VIN to the frame. This is fairly painless just have a spot picked out and have a drill and rivet gun available.
Step 6) Time to have the NC state inspection done. My inspection went without a hitch. I turned on the signals, lights and honked the horn. Then came the sniffer test. My car with FFR cats. passed 15 times under the allowable limit. After that it was off for a day of cruising.
It may seem like a lot of crap to got through but it all pay off. Not all states are as stringent as North Carolina so do your homework. If you have any questions fire away.
Note: If you go this route then you'll have the car registered by the date of completion